Kingdom Culture Conversations

Mandolyn Crotts, Founder and President, Carry Them Ministries: Refusing to Turn a Blind Eye to Infant Mortality in Nigeria

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School

1 in 22 Nigerian women will pass away during childbirth.

1 in 12 Nigerian babies pass away during birth.  55 out of 1,000 Nigerian babies will die in the first week of life.  An additional 100 will pass in their first year of life.  Then, another 100 die before reaching five-years of age.

And, apparently, we're good with it.

Today's American "headlines" have reporters tripping over themselves to find out the latest stupidity pertaining to Taylor Swift.  Not a single mention of an African nation where babies are dying at a rate comparable only to an active war zone.

Why is it happening?  Because while we're paying zero attention, American corporations are predatorily advancing profiteering:  two-weeks of baby formula costs more than a month of the average Nigerian's annual salary.  And, ignorance and animistic darkness compel Nigerians along a path leading towards destruction.  Without a declaration of war against it or a single shot fired within it, the nation of Nigeria is suffering a defeat that will ultimately destroy it.

So, here's the deal.  Mandolyn Crotts needs your money.  One of far, far too few folks that have woken up to the entirely preventable genocide unfolding in Nigeria, she is desperately working to turn the tide.  And, she needs cash.  Your cash.  Quick.

In today's unbelievable Kingdom Culture Conversation, you'll meet Mandolyn, hear her story, and recognize that right now--here and today--we can do something simple and soon to support an effort that has the potential to stop an ongoing holocaust.

To learn about about Carry Them Ministries, the ministry of Mandolyn Crotts and four brave Nigerian women, follow this link.

To watch the documentary that exposes the tragedy and opens the door to possible triumph, click here.

Most important, give money today right here.

"Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

For more information on Frameworks, please visit:

For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit:

To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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Kingdom Culture Conversations

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School