Kingdom Culture Conversations

Joy Watson and Henrietta Jordan, Expatriate Education International: Experiencing the Impact of Christian Education within Inhospitable Nations Around the World

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School

Don't even ask.

Because we won't be able to tell you.

Joy Watson and Henrietta Jordan are literally on the frontlines of Christian ed, in countries so inhospitable to Christianity they cannot be mentioned on the podcast.

But, although we won't be able to assuage your curiosity, we can tell you that they stories they relay regarding the transformational impact of Biblical worldview through Christian education within the lives of students that need it desperately is flat-out inspiring.

"Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

For more information on Frameworks, please visit:

For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit:

To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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Kingdom Culture Conversations Artwork

Kingdom Culture Conversations

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School