Kingdom Culture Conversations

Scott MacIntyre, American Idol Contestant: What do the Blind See when they Dream?

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School

Talk about awkward moments!  Scott MacIntyre is formerly an American Idol hero contest - his amazing story of persisting through blindness to compete on one of the world's biggest stages is beyond inspiring!

So, he's performing in chapel and as his performance ends, he opens the floor for questions.  Could there have been a more awkward first question?  The student asks, "What do the blind see when they dream?"

The dialog that followed between student and Scott was jaw-dropping.  As it turns out, the question wasn't awkward.  Rather, it was a springboard for a beautiful conversation...

"Kingdom Culture Conversations" is a podcast created through Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative of Northwest Christian School.

For more information on Frameworks, please visit:

For more information on Northwest Christian School, visit:

To reach out to Geoff Brown, please email or you can reach him by cell phone: (623)225-5573.

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Kingdom Culture Conversations

Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative from Northwest Christian School